Changzhou Giantion Optoelectronics Industry Development Co.,Ltd
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The profile:On Dec. 31, 3 p.m. 28 points, \
  Good news photoelectric design institute to u [2014-1-3]     
  Congratulations to better better - photoelect [2014-1-3]     
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  SiHong - 25 mw solar photovoltaic power grid [2014-1-3]     
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  佳讯光电2016夏 羽毛球之夏 [2016-9-9]     
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Copyright © 2013  Changzhou Giantion Optoelectronics Industry Development Co.,Ltd(All rights reserved)
Add: Block B of the three crystal industrial park ,No.25 of the Yangtze river middle road, new north district , changzhou   Tel:0519-85608188   Fax:0519-85929166